Friday, May 24, 2013


Mother’s petite chandelier is found, hung, and lighting up the sitting area of our bedroom.  In an earlier blog, I shared with you the mystery we were experiencing in the disappearance of that chandelier. 

I discovered it among the many boxes of family memorabilia.  Don’s mother, Hilda, had collected and saved boxes and boxes full of pictures, old journals, diplomas, letters, and other treasures going back a number of generations.

Hilda had stored all those memories in dozens of banker’s boxes which neatly stack.   For the move, I also packed pictures, high school and college yearbooks, and family treasures in banker’s boxes.  I really don’t remember why, and obviously forgot that I did it, but I packed the chandelier in an extra one. So when I sectioned off the basement to make triage areas, the chandelier got mixed in with the family history. I guess, in a way, you could say it belonged there.  

Now, before I go to sleep and then when the sun finds my bedroom window in the mornings, I look at that chandelier and think, found.  What a wonderful word and feeling! When something is lost, finding it is the only goal.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a big or small item, valuable or simply necessary. 
The older I get, the more I realize that peace is something that gets lost, and we're all searching for it.   When I can’t find peace, I’ve let it get buried under worry and my mood can crumple like an old piece of paper. However, I’ve been a Christian long enough to know that peace didn’t get lost on its own.  God never takes it.  I let it go.  I’m sure you’ve even heard someone declare, “I’m a worrier. That’s who I am!” I’ve known people who made worry their main activity.  Chuck Swindoll counters that when he said, "The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day." 

So why would I ever, even for a moment, trade peace for worry?  It’s not an equal trade. Worry takes up too much room.  It’s too much like a sponge, soaking up any joy or hope that enters its space and sucks up peace with it.  That leaves me without a good reason, excuse, or explanation to make that trade.  
This is the day the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it.  There's a real promise in those words.  This is the day the Lord has designed, arranged, and planned with you in mind. Like my lost chandelier, peace is there all the time.  You just have to look in the right place.  Let’s Move Forward toward peace!  

Please visit my website: and check out the Spring Special.