Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mother's Chandelier

“It has to be here.”  Don said it this time.  We’ve taken turns saying that as though it would make the box appear.

I’ve tried to be organized on this move to Georgia.  Every box packed in Florida was supposed to be labeled with all contents.  When we arrived at our new home in Georgia, I made stations in the basement—one for kitchen boxes, one for bedroom, another for office, and on it goes. 

Then in each station, boxes were stacked with their labels to the front, and a path to walk in between each stack.  

I’ll admit that we still say, with some regularity, “Have you seen. . .(insert any common household item here).”  But, for the most part, we find what we’re looking for. 

Except for the box that has my mother’s little chandelier.   I grew up with this petite fixture with its crystals baubles and glowing lights.  After Mother and Daddy died, it became mine.  It was just the right size for my powder room in Florida. Now, in Georgia, our bedroom has a small sitting area that, I believe, Mother’s chandelier is what it needs.   That is, if I could find it.

So Don and I circle the stacks.  I thought it might have gotten put in the wrong section. I’ve checked in bathroom, office, even the laundry room area. 

I last saw that box in the living room in Florida with other boxes ready to go.  It was marked “Mother’s Chandelier.”  So I know it has the correct label, and it made the trip. It’s here.  But where?

I take great comfort in knowing that God is findable.  He made us to long for Him.  Then He set Himself in full view.  Look at what He says. “I will be found by you."  God makes sure He does the “being found.”  No hide and seek here. He’s standing in front of you.  “Here I am,” He’s clearly saying.  He’s not hiding behind other gods or taunting you just beyond reach.

I want to put up that fixture.  I’m eager to see if it will be as perfect there as I’m picturing.  But since it’s not making itself known, we have to continue with the other projects that need completing.  Sometimes to move forward, you have to wait for something to show up while you keep working.   Thankfully, I don’t have to wait for God.  And neither do you. 

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1 comment:

  1. You are a PRO at this blogging thing! Concise, story-driven, thought provoking, "zinger"! So glad you're going to keep us updated. Love and miss you, Sheri
